Sunday, July 1, 2012

Update on Annie -- 9 Months

Annie recently turned 9 months old. What a milestone for us! I remember seeing her for the first time in the NICU and wondering how on earth something that tiny could possibly survive, yet here we are.

We had her 9 month check-up last week and things went so much better than I could have ever imagined.  It has been such a long 9 months and yet things are looking so bright and she is making such great progress. 

STATS:  weight – 12 lbs 15 oz           length – 24.5 inches     

She is eating 4 solid foods a day and drinking 30-40 oz a day.  She takes 2-3 naps a day and wakes only once at night to eat, but at 12 lbs, can you blame her?! (We would love to be sleeping through the night, but we figure that will come when she weighs a bit more!)  She crawls and rolls all the way over.  She has also begun pulling herself up on things and she has begun cruising along things.  She pulls herself to a sitting position and she loves to interact with other people.  She is a very social person.  She can say Mama, Dada and Hey.  She loves to play with Elizabeth and she can grasp toys and knows how to push and pull them.

On the flip side, we can’t understand why she is still so tiny.  I wish she were a little bigger.  Her doctor wishes she were a little bigger.  When we spend time with other NICU moms I see their babies and they appear normal sized and then I see Annie and she so teeny tiny!  I am reassured by her health and developmental progress, but there is something to be said by my daughter barely graduating to 3 month clothing on her 9 month birthday! 

But hey, let’s look on the plus side, she is happy and healthy, and I pat Jason and me on the back for it!  We are good parents and because of that we have a micro-preemie who has made it and who is thriving!  Happy 9 months baby girl!  Your parents love you!!

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